Geocodio can help you convert coordinates or addresses into Census tracts, FIPS codes, and metropolitan and Census-designated statistical areas. Upload a spreadsheet, or use our API to add Census data programatically in bulk.
Adding Census FIPS, tract, and block codes to addresses can help you connect datasets and make sense of location data. For example, if you want to see which major cities your customers are close to, you can upload a list of your customers to Geocodio, get the Census MSAs (Metropolitan statistical areas), and then make a map or pivot table to see which cities your customers are clustered around.
As another example, banks are required to report Census MSAs, tracts, blocks, and FIPS codes to the FFIEC to ensure they are complying with federal fair lending requirements. Geocodio makes it easy to securely upload a large dataset of address data and add the Census codes, saving bank employees valuable hours in reporting time. If you are looking for a more user-friendly, faster alternative to the FFEIC geocoder, Geocodio might be what you're looking for.
Geocodio is built to handle large datasets. You can upload a file of addresses or coordinates that is up to 1 GB per upload, and upload multiple datasets simultaneously. You can also run batches of 10,000 through our API in parallel. When you add the "Census" field to your request, all of the Census identifiers will be returned for the coordinates or addresses: Census FIPS codes, blocks, tracts, MSAs, and CSAs.
Census boundaries are available back to 2010.
Geocodio can also help you add Canadian Census tracts to a spreadsheet or programatically via API.
Convert addresses and lat/lon coordinates to Census blocks.
Convert addresses and lat/lon coordinates to Census block groups.
Convert addresses or coordinates to Census tracts.
Convert addresses or coordinates to Census tracts.
Convert addresses or coordinates to MSAs and CSAs.
A Census block is the smallest geographical unit used by the US Census. If you want to get Census or Census American Community Survey (ACS) data that is as granular as possible, you will want to use data at the Census Block level. A Census Block is a subset of all houses or dwellings within a specific geographic area, rather than a random sample of households within an area. Given an address or latitude/longitude coordinate pair, Geocodio will return the full 4-digit block code that the location belongs to.
A Census block group is the smallest geographical unit that is made up of a random sample of data for a given area. A Census block group is less granular than a Census block and more granular than a Census tract. With Geocodio, you can find the single-digit group number for the block for an address or coordinate pair.
A Census tract is a subdivision of a county, used for statistical purposes. It is usually between 2,500-8,000 people and is designed to be relatively homogenous across the Census' measurements. A Census tract is roughly the size of a neighborhood, but may not correspond to actual neighborhoods or city boundaries. Census tracts are a useful tool to compare different areas across a city, state or country to one another. Geocodio can help you convert an address or latitude/longitude coordinate pair to the full 6-digit Census tract code for that location.
FIPS code are unique area identifiers used by the federal government for reporting purposes. FIPS codes can be used to connect government data sets, such as from the Census, from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), NOAA, and other federal agencies. Geocodio will turn an address or coordinate pair into the full 15-digit FIPS code, which includes the county FIPS, tract code, and block code. Geocodio can also turn addresses into the individual state FIPS code, county FIPS code, and place FIPS code.
A Metropolitan Statistical Area is a large metropolitan area designated by the Office of Management and Budget. There are 384 MSAs in the United States. A Metropolitan Statistical Area is a group of counties that are united by an urban core of at least 50,000 people, such as the New York-Newark-Jersey City. Metropolitan Statistical Areas can be used to see what major city an address is close to. Geocodio can help you convert addresses and coordinates to Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs).
Like a Metropolitan Statistical Area, a Micropolitan Statistical Area is a group of counties united by an urban core. The difference is that Micropolitan Statistical Areas are clustered around smaller cities, with an urban core of 10,000-50,000 people. For example, Concord, NH and Sandusky, OH are each their own Micropolitan Statistical Area. Geocodio can help you convert addresses and coordinates to Micropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs).
A Combined Statistical Area is a group of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas that are closely economically or culturally linked. There are 172 Combined Statistical Areas in the US. Examples of CSAs include Washington-Baltimore-Arlington and Minneapolis-St.Paul. Geocodio can turn addresses and coordinates into Combined Statistical Areas (CSAs).