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Getting Started

What you can do with GeocodioSpreadsheet formattingAddress completionSpelling CorrectionFile formatsFile sizesIntersectionsPreviewing your spreadsheetReverse geocoding

Social: Education & Veteran Status (Census)

With Geocodio, you can match addresses or coordinates to the Census Bureau's American Community Survey on education levels, veteran status, and length of military service.

This data is for the Census Block Group. It is not for the individual household. Please note, you must provide either street + ZIP, street + city + state, an intersection, or coordinates in order to receive Census results back. We do not provide this data for ZIP codes or city/state pairs. (If your data contains locations without street addresses, you will not be charged for the data append for those locations.)

This data is provided at the Census Block Group level and is available from the most recent five-year American Community Survey, which is currently the 2021 survey results published in 2022. (The 1-year American Community Surveys do not have granularity at this level.)

You can see download an example spreadsheet of the results with Census education and veteran data added to addresses here and to latitude/longitude coordinates here

Education and veteran status Census data is available via API as well as spreadsheet upload. If you're uploading a spreadsheet, you can click the "social" append in Step 4 of the upload process to append this data.

Census Education/Veteran Data Returned

We provide the data exactly as it is packaged by the Census Bureau in the breakouts it gives. The only change we have made is to add a "percentage" calculation to aid ease of use.

The data returned includes the following data points. For each data point, the data returned includes the value, margin of error, and percentage.

  • Population by minimum level of education (Table #B15002)

    • No schooling, nursery to 4th grade, 5th and 6th grade, 7th and 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade - no diploma, high school graduate or equivalent, some college (1+ years, no degree), Associate's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, professional school degree, Doctorate
    • Results broken out by all genders, female, and male
  • Veteran status for population over age 18 (Table #B21001)

    • Veteran, non-Veteran
    • Results broken out by all genders, female, and male
  • Period of military service for veterans (Table #B21002)

    • Wars

      • Gulf War (9/2001 or later), no Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001), no Vietnam Era
      • Gulf War (9/2001 or later), Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001), no Vietnam Era
      • Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001), no Vietnam Era
      • Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001) and Vietnam Era
      • Vietnam Era, no Korean War, no World War II
      • Vietnam Era and Korean War, no World War II
      • Vietnam Era and Korean War and World War II
      • Korean War, no Vietnam Era, no World War II
      • Korean War and World War II, no Vietnam Era
      • World War II, no Korean War, no Vietnam Era
      • Between Gulf War and Vietnam Era only
      • Between Korean War and World War II only
      • Pre-World War II only


This data append is available for all plans.

Requests are billed as geocode + ACS Social info (i.e., two lookups). For example, if you have 100 addresses that you want Veteran and Education information for, that would count as 200 lookups.

Pay-as-you-go customers can calculate how much this will cost you and how long it will take here.

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